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How does the amount of rainfall affect the lions, zebra, and impala's migration?


  • To test our question we can look at the migration patterns of the animals and look at the type of weather that they have been migrating in.

  • Our question is more than just a yes/no question

  • Our question does need data.



  • The different climates changes will have an affect on the way that many animals migrate meaning the different seasons that the animals are migrating in.

  • .


  • In our data we predict that we will see the different migration patterns and the different seasons that the animals migration patterns react to. For example how tigers bodies react to summer weather.

  • We can predict that the colder climate could have an affect on how the animals will migrate and or how many


  • A graph or a chart  to show the migration patterns and  the climates that they normally travel in.



    We chose this question becauase we wanted to look more into more into migration patterns. We wanted to learn more closely about different animals. 







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